Thursday, 12 December 2019


If you find other things that aren't migrating well, drop me a note and I'll figure out the necessary changes. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Displayed when a FileSearch element has a Name attribute that contains both the short and long versions of the file name. Now that WiX v3. Another way to find this might be to run on all files use your current wildcard approach and then see what files have not been updated? No guarantees for the sanity herein:. The extension takes care of the rest of the work. wixcop

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No guarantees for the sanity herein:. Of course, we know that language changes make the migration process very difficult for you.


This could be a mere errornous number of indentations - for example. The "-ext" switch looks for the WixUtilExtension. Then we created "extensions" that plug into the compiler and linker to parse the elements in the other namespaces and incorporate the required custom actions. Unchanged files may trigger errors that abort the update operation?

Tips on how to upgrade from WiX v2 to WiX v3.

Loads a primary settings file see below. Make a backup of your source files before running WiXCop and then compare with a good diff wixco. Sign up using Facebook. Let's talk about Burn.

I use Beyond Compare. Thank you for sending your comment. The extension takes care of the rest of the work. Or run without the settings file:.


Hopefully, the error messages you encounter for any issues not handled by WixCop will be useful enough to lead you to the right solution. If we port the customizable spacing wixxcop back to wix 2. When migrating Wix 3.

WXS files namespace and other changes after I run that command. Did you get these issues resolved? They will target eixcop WiX source files in the target folder - which in your case is what you want, but for others who find the command lines: Wednesday, May 03, 8: That means you just need to reference the new UI extension.

Tips on how to upgrade from WiX v2 to WiX v3.

Add -ext command line switches and pass in the WiX v3. Toggle navigation Rob Mensching. WixCop supports two settings files. WhitespacePrecedingNodeWrong Displayed when the whitespace preceding a node is wrong.

WixCop supports response files containing options and source files, using responseFile syntax.

Need to support web services, security? WixCop takes any number of WiX source files as command-line arguments. So, here's the issue: In WiX v2 those elements are part of the wix.


The ExemptFiles element lists files that should be skipped. Good luck with WiX v3! Police authoring for style - this includes indentation, whitespace, proper namespace declarations, etc. Could you try to run the command on a sub-set of the files or once per file so you can determine which file causes the actual problem?

And it helps migrate sources when batch updates are required wixckp schema changes between WiX versions.

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