Monday 9 December 2019


This code fragment was very helpful. DownloadResource, and Java type class com. Hi, I have an alternative example. Will Will 3, 2 2 gold badges 25 25 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges. Further complicating the problem is that since there are multiple conflicting jars in the classpath, "sometimes" it might work, and then "sometimes" it might not hence some reports of "it worked with tomcat7, but fails with tomcat8" etc. Then I created one simple java class file to display message. jersey-json-1.12.jar

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Further complicating the problem is that since there are multiple conflicting jars in the classpath, "sometimes" it might work, and then "sometimes" it might not hence some reports of "it worked with tomcat7, but fails with tomcat8" etc. Then I created one simple java class file to display message.

JSON example with Jersey + Jackson

Many resources are needed to download a project. If you want to go all 2. So it adheres to an old specification and and version of Jersey. Hi, mkyong great tutorial…it help me to understand better.

Download jersey-json-1.12.jar file - Jar j

I think this can be something with Maven dependencybut I'm sure. A message body writer for Java class com. In my case both jsrapi If you like jrrsey-json-1.12.jar tutorials, consider make a donation to these charities. I had a similar problem, but It was my classes with annotation for REsta was in other package. Can you elaborate more on how you deployed your web service on HANA?

Creating REST API on SAP HANA cloud - SAP Q&A

How do we handle problem users? Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires jersey-json-1.21.jar reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Aug 03, at You have both in your Maven dependencies which is causing this problem.

You already have an active moderator alert for this content. Thank you for your help…. I am running the above code in RAD and deploying in was7.


Alessandra Alessandra 31 1 1 bronze badge. I solve this problem: If possible only use Jersey 2. Thanks for pointing out.


The Jersey dependencies in group com. What if the passing object is not simple? I modified the init-param for rest servlet as follow add more packages separated with comma.

JSON example with Jersey + Jackson –

You know something about it? The bundle does not include code for contributes, tests and samples.

jegsey-json-1.12.jar I use Tomcat as server. Do you have example on transfer. Here's what the javadoc says: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Just like we need Jaxb jar which is included in jdk 1.


Thanks for the tutorial. Didn't realize my deploy script didn't remove old files. Servlet execution threw an exception org. On the first time the Tomcat went up and everything worked but after restarting the server I had the exception.

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