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But in , in his mids, he recorded this album, Saxophone Colossus. In the booklet provided with the boxed set, The Complete Prestige Recordings , Rollins makes it clear that it was the record company that insisted on his taking credit. The final track, "Blue 7," is a blues piece, over eleven minutes long. The Penguin Guide to Jazz. Views Read Edit View history. sonny rollins saxophone colossus

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Gene de PaulDon Raye. The album's title was devised by Prestige Records' in-house publicity director Robert "Bob" Altshuler. In what is often termed his breakthrough album, 's Saxophone Colossus contains diverse musical elements, including a calypso, ballad, and Kurt Weill classic.

The long-playing format that took over in the '50s permitted extended development, and "Blue 7" was one of the first truly great long explorations by a small group. colosshs

sonny rollins saxophone colossus

Rollins is joined here with three men you call "musicians' musicians. It is in perfect balance with a calypso, ballad, straight-ahead saxopuone bop number, Kurt Weill classic, and a blues.

Archived from the original on August 7, Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Motor City Scene Encounter! The Best of the Mercury Years — The final track, "Blue 7," is a blues piece, over eleven minutes long. Another remastered version, this time by Van Gelder, was released on 21 March Oh, I definitely think this is the record in which Sonny Rollins came out as a master. Van Gelder Studio in Hackensack. Your purchase helps support NPR programming.

Sonny Rollins: 'Saxophone Colossus' : NPR

Accessibility links Skip to main content Keyboard shortcuts for audio player. This section does not cite any sources. You know, I've always thought that if there's one masterpiece in this overall masterpiece, it's the one that Sonny Rollins made up in the studio: Kurt WeillBertolt Brecht.

Spellman, are they right?

The Mojo Collection 4th ed. Gleason reviewed the album later in June for DownBeatwriting:.

Sonny Rollins: 'Saxophone Colossus'

The tune is traditional and had already been recorded by Randy Weston in under the title "Fire Down There". There are five tracks on the album, three of which are credited to Rollins. Rollins Plays for Bird Retrieved November 15, By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Thomas " is a calypso-inspired piece named after Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Independent sources have differed in their reporting of the album's release date.

Saxophone Colossus is a studio album by American jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In the booklet provided with the boxed set, The Complete Prestige RecordingsRollins makes it clear that it was the record company that insisted on his taking credit. The Definitive Musical Guide. The original 22 June session was recorded by Rudy Van Gelder.

sonny rollins saxophone colossus

In Brackett, Nathan; Hoard, Christian eds.

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